Gobsmacked by Gemini ~ 4 Mar 2021

As if to honor the stream of pictures and data coming in from the recently arrived Martian exploration vehicle, Perseverance, Mars entered Gemini within the past hours. Mercury, ruler of Gemini, approaches a direct alignment Jupiter in Aquarius. The North Node and the asteroid Psyche move into an exact conjunction in two days, whilst both travel the twinship of Gemini.

During the next first ten to eleven days of his Gemini tenure, Mars engages a series of black holes that synch with a potent 283-second x-ray emanation pulse sourced by one of the many singularities in the matrix. This quickly becomes a Post-It note transit. While thoughts zip about and seem to play ping-pong inside the cognitive portions of the brain, some method must be applied to hold thoughts long enough to develop them and keep them from slipping away once you have them. When a thought comes, lock onto it like a snapping turtle grabbing a perch. Work the idea every which way your cranium can. Write down, document or record every detail you process regardless of how mundane it may seem for at least the duration of this pulsation.

Task intact, you may migrate to other mnemonic prompts...

Mars in Gemini - To stutterstep or boldly decide and step forward?

No matter what you want to do, there seems to be a counter consideration. As soon as you conclude you’re going to do what you’re going to do, something or someone offers you an alternate point of view, which more than likely, feels contradictory. What to do? Take a moment to assess the energy of the situation. Feel where you feel pulled. Consider if that drawing tug offers a result consistent with your current thinking of where you intend to end up. When you feel it, groove on it.

No matter what you choose, if you decide on a course of action, then immediately perceive a new, improved path of progress, you can change your mind. Even the game of hopscotch has an intended destination.

North Lunar Node conjunct Psyche in Gemini - You are as you dream!

Instead of lying down at night and furrowing your brow to consider what lies ahead tomorrow and beyond, offer up to the nighttime muses that you’d prefer to dream your way through this. Have one of those handy dandy notebooks or some recording device next to the water on your night stand. When you awaken from a dream, no matter how nonsensical it may initially seem, capture it in all its detail. After you awaken in the morning you can go for interpretation. It may take a day or two, but no doubt, the useful relevance will be perceived.

Alternatively, you can petition your dreams in advance to grant inspiration, insight or some other tool that contributes to the decisions at hand in life and clarity about the steps that require immediate taking.

Jupiter conjunct Mercury - Plump mental morsels!!

This transit seeks to consider all life’s options from a more altruistic point of view. There is no need to be conciliatory or compromise to the point of resentment. The inspirations that appear intend to be lofty, positive and for the good of all. No zero-sum thinking permitted. When you come up with an idea, it should be for the greater good... however it is that you perceive such humanitarian things. Go galactic. Reach out as far and wide and inclusively as you can. Surprising insights are at hand... and yes, each of these insights will be like a coin - duplicitous and decision-provoking.

Trust in the process. When you come up something you would not normally consider, sit with it until it starts to make sense. Then, like Mars would want, take a bold stride forward.

Underscoring this whole Mercurial/Geminian theme, is the upcoming conjunction of Ceres to Chiron in Aries that takes shape next week. This is actually a powerful bit of transit with one prevailing question: What are you going to do to make yourself feel better? This is not only a physical question; it addresses the emotional and spiritual profiles of well-being and sensing better options for life-at-large as well.

Affirm that, no matter what, you will always work in your best interest to become the healthiest being you can become: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritual. These efforts flow through any personal and professional decisions that must be made. As you feel better and more grounded, you become increasingly cheerful and feeling groovy. Anyone or anything in your auric field benefits. So choose good and wellness for you.

Given the infusion of the mind-churning energy from Mars, Psyche and the lunar node there is also the question, what will ease your thoughts, soothe your doubts, and sort out uncertainty and confusion? This latter data bit due to the Ceres-Chiron alignment more or less coinciding with the blur of the Sun and Neptune meet and greet in Pisces.

How will you know that you know? Ultimately, it comes down to one single premise: You are doing what you are doing because, in this moment, you sense it is the best thing for reaching the ideal aspirations you hold. You do this because it’s good for you. You do this because it allows you to feel a full and sporty fit of your spirit within you physical being.

Once the feeling of self-satisfaction and contentment fills your being, notice how alert and clear you are about the environment that surrounds you. When these sensations exude from you, it is well within the realm of possibility that others will be gobsmacked by your chosen direction, clear determination and commitment to cause.

There will be more soon.